
Max results with minimum effort?…mmmh

Corporate linguistics… mmmh. One of the most heard refrain in business – and in life in general. It’s a serious thing. It has to do with our instinct. Every animal tends to behave like that.

In fact, it seems that the max result with minimum effort thing is a real behaviour but not necessarily the best one. I mean, for sure, our instinct drives to this. But one thing I’ve been condidering is: is the maximum result we achieve with the minimum effort the BEST result for me? Is this really was I was trying to achieve?

Ok, I saved time, fatigue, study, money, whatever. But, in the end I dont have the feeling that this “saving” has produced the hoped result. Seems like applying this in business -and life alike, it’s not so great, after all.

In order to achieve the best result I have to work harder, study better, spend more,be more passionate, invest more than just the “minimum”. Cause the minimum is often less than required to achieve our goals. And that little effort we used ends up being useless. We wasted time, money, passion, feelings…

I have the feeling I have not being so clear about this topic. Did I really did my best – or the minimum I felt was necessary?


Lights on and dust all over

…like an old fashioned ceiling fan. it’s still working though. Sounds like a tick tock when it moves.

Looking up its like a mystic circle of light, the movement makes its borders blur.

It’s somehow the opposite of a dark hole: this one throws out light, air – and some dust too 🙂

Come le pale di un ventilatore a muro – modello un po’ antiquato ma funzionante. Le pale spazzano via l’aria con un ticchettìo quasi di orologio. Dal basso è un cerchio di luce quasi mistico – il movimento ne rende indistinti i confini. Quasi l’opposto di un buco nero, che sprigiona luce, aria (e materia?…beh, no, al massimo polvere).

Clear ideas and dark ones

Today I havent got a clue – not a single idea. It’s like looking through a chair, just fragments of lights. The light is too low and the definition is poor as well. Unsettling feelings, too many red objects. We need peace. It is best to remain calm now.

Oggi non ho idee, né chiare e né scure. E’ come vedere attraverso una sedia bucata solo frammenti di luce sconnessi.Troppa poca luce, troppo poca la definizione ed il contorno delle cose. Troppo nervosismo e troppi oggetti rossi. C’è bisogno di calma. Meglio sospendere il giudizio, domani vediamo.


And so you’re in the iPhone 7 queue outside the shop…

quale città

..but I cant stop “remembering” with my very old iPhone 4S – and its tough rugged plastic cover, able to resist a crash between meteoritis. Maybe it’s that shape, its senile slowness showing weakness – even on an Apple device – but I coulnt buy another one… At least not tonight.

An anonymous café, half empy, low light, cutted. Not a big deal of a pic – in every sense – but exactly as I was seeing it. A moment of non socialization, a sense of not belonging to the surrounding world.

…io continuo a “ricordare” con il mio iPhone 4S – imbrigliato in custodia superinfrangibile a  prova di scontro tra meteoriti. Sarà quella forma, sarà la sua lentezza senile che mostra la debolezza anche in un device Apple, ma non riesco a sostituirlo…

Bar qualunque mezzovuoto di notte, pochissima luce, ritaglio. Non un granchè da tutti i punti di vista, ma esattamente come lo vedevo io. Un periodo di socializzazione assente, di estraneità dal mondo circostante.

Jail and the point of view

I feel paralized by my own point of view. Your view can imprison you. The iron bars are in front of your eyes only, I just keep looking at things from the same small angle perspective.

There is simmetry of thoughts in what blockes us. There is logical thinking builded with precision; and escaping means breaking the balance. We need courage to be able to close our eyes and open them again looking somewhere else.

Mi sento bloccato dal mio punto di vista. La tua visuale ti imprigiona. Le sbarre sono solo davanti ai tuoi occhi, non faccio che guardare le cose dalla stessa prospettiva angusta.

C’è simmetria di pensiero in ciò che ci immobilizza. Ci sono logiche costruite con precisione, dalle quali evadere equivale a rompere l’equilibrio. Ci vuole coraggio per chiudere gli occhi e riaprirli guardando altrove.


Right on time


The right moment makes us wait. When I run towards decisions, often I take the wrong path. “When you leave for a journey, you better know where you are heading, otherwise its best to stay home”.

So this time I didnt want to spend a good couple of hours to choose the right theme for these few lines. I do not know what kind of graphic idea lies behing these pages, I dont know where I’m heading.

Waiting is not a passive action. It’s made of study, thinking, organization and silence. And the right moment, where I know exactly what to do and how to do it, sooner or later, will finally come. It’s the snap, the change, the sudden picture. It lasts a second, often less.

To wait is to be prepared to not let that moment slip away.

Il momento giusto spesso bisogna saperlo aspettare. Quando corro verso le decisioni, spesso le prendo sbagliate. “Quando si parte per un viaggio è meglio sapere dove si vuole arrivare, altrimenti è meglio restare a casa”.

E per una volta non ho voluto passare due ore a scegliere il tema giusto per queste poche righe. Non so quale impostazione grafica dare a questa pagina, come non so quale direzione prendere.

Aspettare non è un’azione passiva. E’ fatta di studio, riflessione, programmazione, silenzio. E il momento giusto, quando mi rendo conto che si puo’ finalmente agire, e cosa si puo’ fare, prima o poi arriva. E’ il momento di uno scatto, di un cambio, di un’immagine improvvisa. Dura un secondo o alche meno.

Aspettare vuol dire stare attenti a non farsi sfuggire quel momento.