empty villa's eyes

Quickly around the world and back. (Remembering memory)

It is still early morning at Mijas Heights, but I see it as red sunset already.

We have been around the world and back, we have changed our perspective so many times.

Today I need something old, something I already own, something at the bottom of the box, dusty, mine. Something not twitteable, likeable, commentable, shareable. Maybe is the  the memory of who I am. The feeling behind old pictures. I need clear, measurable, colored memory.

(How can you understand your time off is the only time on you have left)

Do you remember? We didnt have all of this, all this information, all this hectic, mad, duplication, multiplication…I am lost inside a tick tock vertigo of wars, elections, technology, advertisement.
We were smaller. Our world was smaller. Friendship, aquaintances, the crossroad, the school, the neighborhood. Boring, somehow.
All this talk about minimalism. I dont know much about this, but I guess it is the need of simplicity. The simple – yet not socially wildly multiplicated – perspective of ourselves.

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